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It's Not About Complexity, It's About Interaction

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Players Don’t Want Intelligent AI

The misconception surrounding AI in video games often stems from the assumption that game characters must possess high levels of intelligence to be considered impressive. However, the truth is that the only thing that needs to be smart is the programmer behind it.

The primary objective of video game AI is not to replicate every nuance of complex human behavior, but rather to create interactions that engage and immerse the player in the game world. In the real world, we understand that people act based on their own interests and motivations, shaped by their unique experiences. If we were to shout at someone in the street and they didn’t react, we wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that they lack intelligence, we would take their lack of a response as acceptable. However, when it comes to AI in video games, our expectations shift. If we shout at an NPC standing in a virtual street and they remain unresponsive, we interpret their lack of reaction as a sign of unintelligence or stupidity.

They Need Responsive AI

This distinction arises because video games are interactive media. They surpass the passive consumption of stories or simulations and invite players to actively participate and shape the game world and its inhabitants. Players inherently anticipate having an impact on the characters and the environment, as well as receiving meaningful feedback in return for their actions.

The crucial aspect lies in ensuring that the characters respond appropriately to the player’s actions, creating a sense of dynamic and believable interaction. When a player initiates an attack on an NPC, the NPC should exhibit self-defense behaviors, fighting back or attempting to flee. Conversely, when the player extends help or assistance to an NPC, expressions of gratitude or rewards should be present to reinforce positive interactions.

And They Want Fun AI

The paramount focus should lie in the ability to engender emergent gameplay that captivates and entertains players, rather than solely seeking to impress them with the intricacies of a complex system. While technical complexity can certainly be awe-inspiring, it is the generation of enjoyable and unpredictable experiences that truly enhances the player’s engagement and satisfaction. By prioritizing the creation of AI systems that facilitate dynamic interactions, unexpected outcomes, and moments of surprise, game developers can provide players with immersive and memorable gaming experiences that emphasize the sheer joy of playing.

Focus on What Really Matters

Though there have been times where developers have implemented a large degree of complexity to their AI characters and have succeeded in making the game more fun and immersive, in most cases it is best to keep them as simple as possible.

If you don’t want your players thinking that the AI you created is dumb, then stop trying to replicate human intelligence and focus in crafting characters that react the way the player wants them to. And if you want your AI to be praised, then look out for ways to improve its ability to foster fun and emergent gameplay that keeps players coming back for more. You’ll find that, more often than not, simple design choices end up being more important than technical Intricacies.
